Friday, September 9, 2011

Rainy Day Things

Not much time for dilly-dallying lately....
especially with an international trip * coming up... 

....but I did manage to finally finish painting that living room....of my's a buff color now, as opposed to that dreadful pink! Couldn't wait to see that go...
Next, it'll be either 'paneling' (with a new paint color!) or papering it...haven't decide yet. :)
I do know that I want to call it the "Rabbit Room" 
and it's going to be celery green...cream..&..brick red....

Like so!

Also, besides frantic check-listing for Romania, I've been working on some art.
I did this one (below) this afternoon....but please don't scrutinize it too carefully~! 
It's only marker, you see..... 

I think life is immensely more color-FULL than noticed. 
Happy Weekend, everyone!
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{Which got all paid for by the way!! Thanks, friends & family!}


  1. Yay for The Rabbit Room! Yay for the sponsorships! And Hannah, that artwork is awesome! I could never manage that with a handful of markers. Go you!


  2. Those are the richest, happiest looking markers I've ever seen. :)

    The dollhouse at our library has a tiny sweet little ceramic? puppy inside - I wish I could find a rabbit for your rabbit room! :D

  3. Everly - Yay for YOU, your enthusiasm & encouragement to me! :] It means a lot....and you should just give markers a try, they're really fun. ;)

    Anne - Thank you, dear! <3 It made me really happy to do some art again...

    Sara - First, you have a dollhouse at your Library!? How neat! And yes it does need a rabbit figurine....maybe I can find one...!
    Second, thanks, Miss Excellent-Artist-Yourself, for the compliment! :)

  4. Ugh! I keep forgetting to take and post pictures of our dollhouse. Of course we haven't done much with it yet.

    I think if you call it the Rabbit Room you should try to get a sponsorship from this website: Maybe put a poster on the wall and then they give you a grant to finish the dollhouse! ;-)

    I really like the marker art! Thumbs up :-)

  5. I did not realize the connection about the Rabbit Room name at first! Glad you brought it up. Looks so neat, man, I wish that was in *my* neck of the woods... :)

    Thanks! Markers are funnnn. :D


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.