Wednesday, October 5, 2011

'In Summary...' Part 1: My Trip to Romania & Back

Village children who were eagerly waiting for our arrival...


During my time in that country (Romania) and through everything that we did over there I have experienced all of the above sensations at different times. It's really quite hard to explain exactly what happened 1) in me, while there and what happened 2) in Romania, while I was there. I honestly don't know where to start!

I do know I can say: I am so glad I went.
So very glad I was chosen to go, and quite honored really that anyone --especially God Himself--would think that a 20 year old girl would be any help! I know that if anyone of the precious people over there were blessed by our songs, testimonies (and dance, in my case) ...then we were blessed, ten times over.

Just to be in a different country, and in someone else shoes for a while not only shook me up (in a good way) but also caused to be stop and view my own 'shoes' in a different way. Compared to the multitudes of folks' everyday lives in Romania, we, you & I, live like rich people! Physically, we have everything we need (and more) and we think nothing of it. Emotionally, (I know everyone's story is different but ) I at least have been given a very safe, loving and stable home life. So, so many of the Romanians kids, and young people we met & talked to ---like the under 18 yr olds in the juvenille prison--grew up basically on their own, left to their own devices, with little love, direction or guidance. No one lived out an example of Jesus' love for them! No one showed them that their was anything more to life than alcohol, sex, drugs, cutting, pornography, etc, etc... it was so sad to see their breaking hearts, trying to hide their pain from their faces.
My prayer after leaving many of those kinds of places (like prisons, kids homes, etc.) was,
"Lord, show them You, Jesus. Please wrap them in your love over & over, while You show them the truth of Who You are." 

And you know, the thing is... I need that prayer for myself too.  
Don't you? I think we all need more of Jesus, less of 'us'.

{More posts about Romania to come soon.}


  1. Woo hoo! You're back and you were a blessing and you were blessed! Praise God :-) You're right - whenever I think about it, I am amazed at how fortunate I am to live where I live. I am so blessed even in comparison to other people who live in America! I just tend to not think about it until an event makes me rethink my perspective.

    I can't wait for more posts about your trip! :-)

  2. Oh how I'm envious of you my dear; envious of your conviction, courage, and inspiration! But I'm also so happy for you : ) Won't you please-pretty-please take me along in your suitcase next time?


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.