Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{These are Blessings Indeed!}

I must say, I've been blessed. Truly, truly blessed. You all have blessed me! God has smiled on me.
And I don't say that in a cliche "ohymgoodness" sort of way....I really mean it.

The fact that I'm even alive today is a miracle.
The fact that I have a supporting circle of loving people is a true, real gift.
That fact that I have a loving family, and a beautiful, safe home to live in is worth celebrating too!

But today, what I'm thinking of the most is the hearts of the those.....my friends and family....who decided that the dream God gave me of going to Romania, and loving on those lovely, needy people was worth sponsoring.
Worth praying for.
Worth believing in me for.

It's amazing to me!
Because, really, even if I told everything I know and feel about Romania, and what God has said so far to me about it....and even if I admitted that I don't know exactly why I'm going or what will come of it.....it doesn't seem matter to you all!

I'm not talking just about monetary giving for my trip here. (No, but in that respect, I've been extremely blessed as well! Everything has been provided for! Many, many thanks...) I'm thinking of the love, the kind words, the prayers that these folks have given me....each was special!

And I think I'm just standing in awe of God right now.
How He works things out and, how he worked this out for me.
I feel so special! and yet so little, and unworthy of this trip, at the same time!
I promise I will try not to worry about my abilities because "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and I promise to carry myself well in Romania, and serve with all my heart, soul, mind & strength! As would befit someone who has been so, so blessed....

I must thank you, my friends, my family & my church.
Love in Jesus,


  1. Loved this-love you! God is going to make beautiful things before your eyes, Hannah.



  2. I'm also blessed!!! Blessed to know you...THAT's a true blessing to me! God was in control of this (how we met, how you love Romania, how I love the USA, how you're of Jewish ancestry, how much I love Jews and Israel, how we both are charismatic, how much we love to read, and so on...)! It's always amazing to see God at work in our lives ^_^

    I can't wait to see you here in Romania (yeheeee)!

  3. What an appropriate response - God is awesome, and He gives such good gifts to His children! I know you are going to bless and be blessed on this trip, and I can't wait to hear about it when you get back :-)

    Less than 6 days to go!!! :{D

  4. Hello Hannah! I will be praying for you as you go to Romania, and look forward to hearing about how the Lord uses you to be a blessing!


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.