Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quiet Days

Quiet days.
Full of this -- and that
or -- this and that things.

Much of nothing,
nothing of much.
Soft and hard,
long and slow.
In and up,
out and down.

Quiet days.
They do so much
when we do so little.


  1. I really like that poem - especially the last part! Quiet days really do work wonders :-) Sometimes I wish I had more of them!

    I also like the new header that matches your Etsy shop! ;{)

  2. Thank you! :) Glad you like the poem.
    I think we all long for more quiet days, that's true enough. Funny thing though, whenever I do seem to get one, I never know what to do with myself that day!

    Oops, I changed the header again! lol

  3. Me too! "I don't have anything planned! I have the whole day to do . . . what???"

    Oh well! I like this one too, but my vote is still for the old one! ;-) I also noticed that you put up the rice warmers on your Etsy store! :party:

  4. Ah, well... my blog changes as I change, what can I say? lol

    Yes! I did put one prototype up! Hopefully I can find some buyers and make more to put up...!? We'll see. :)


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.