Friday, April 8, 2011

a Little Update (Books, Violets & such things)

......the violets have absolutely come out this week!....they are just so pretty.....
and I finished three books yesterday......
.......good books all of them!....
Well, I'm off to try and get more things done today yet.

Enjoy the beautiful spring day everybody!


  1. Children of the Hurin is a good book. I've never read Lies Young Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free, but if you liked it perhaps I should give it a go. Hope you're having a beautiful spring day too Hannah : ) Take care of yourself <3

    ~ Hattie

  2. I was just noticing how everything was starting to bloom (due to our hot snap of 90 degree weather). Then it turned FREEZING cold yesterday and snowed on our local mountains, which it normally NEVER does! Strange weather!!! I'm in the middle of a fantastic!!! book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Normal Peale. It was first written in 1956! I'm really enjoying the practicality of it!!! And the fact that it ties in with the Bible! :D
    Happy Saturday!!!

  3. Que bonita! That's pretty little flower you got there.

    Isn't it wonderful to finish reading books? I love it because then I am free to jump into the next ones on my reading list.

    Are you serious about the 'beautiful spring day' bit? I was outside staking clematis plants all day on Friday and it rained almost non-stop. Are you telling me that only 20 mi. south of me you were experiencing splendid spring weather??

  4. Hattie, how lovely you've read Hurin too! Isn't it just *so* tragic, though? Worse/better than the proverbial Romeo & Juliet by far!
    And I would highly recommend Lies Young Women Believe,etc. I learned so much from it, about certain beliefs I just had not been right on ;and I also learned how to change it & find the truth! God used that book a lot on me last week. :) 'Course, I love anything by Nancy Leigh DeMoss...she absolutely inspires me. Ooh, heard of her radio program perchance? I listen to it whenever I can catch it. :) It's great.

    Nikki- My!! Is that ever crazy weather! I can't imagine going from a balmy, blissful 90 to snow and freezing all over again! The craziness of weather never fails to frustrate and amuse, huh? :D I'll have to look up that book you mentioned, too. I'm always up for a book- recommendation. :) Thank you, dear!

    Steven- Why thank you! Violets are my 'babies', my favorite wildflowers...hit would impossible not share their sweetness. :)
    Finishing a book for real--as in not speed reading it & actually getting from the first to the last page--has become such a rare thing lately, you're right! It's a treat. And I'm quite relishing the recent chance to catch up on my reading stacks. (I don't have lists, I just have huge stacks, haha...)
    Oh, Steven,you know those PA mountains & hill-ridges, how they do funny things to the distribution of cloud formations around here. ;) But seriously, yes, we were having a pretty nice spring day that day! It was overcast an partly sunny, but not raining...which is what gave me the chance to snap the violet photo. But gosh, I can't imagine staking clematises a drenching rain! Outdoor gardening full-time is something I'm going to have to just work myself into again this year & frankly I'm not used to being outside so much, after all this indoor schooling! I have missed it though! It'll be a good change indeed.

  5. (my goodness! that is the longest comment on record ever probably...!)

  6. I like that picture! The trees in our orchard were in bloom the last couple weeks - just covered in blossoms! Add the dogwoods and the Bradford pears to that, and you have some very pretty views :-)

    I wish I had more time to read. I need to get back into all the books I've started over the last year and have gradually stopped reading :-P

    And whenever I start to enjoy the spring weather, it changes! We've had exactly the same weather cycle the last two weeks: cold weeks followed by warm weekends (mid to upper 80s this past weekend!) followed by severe thunderstorms and a cold front. 'Tis the season ;-)

  7. 'T'is the season for fickle spring weather, you're absolutely right, Mac! haha... It definitely keeps one on your toes for what gear to bring with you outdoors each day: sunblock one day, or an umbrella & wellies the next!

    Glad you like the pic; violets are a favorite of mine! :) You all are ahead of us with the flowering trees (that must look LOVELY btw), but I'll bide my wait patiently. Spring here is quite something too. :]

    Thanks for 'stoppin' by'! ;)


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.