Tuesday, May 31, 2011

     We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa

   Though my dollhouse does not have a name yet (that'll come later I believe) he does have quite a presence in my room! The story behind it goes like this:
Mom was driving through our nearest small town, and while taking one of the short-cut back ways, she spotted a huge dollhouse! There he was, just sitting out in the elements, right on the side of the road ready for the next garbage pick-up! Well, yikes! we can't have that happening, said Mom. And she promptly picked the thing up & deposited it in the car (which I would imagine involved a whole lot more effort than I'm taking time to mentioned right now, because honestly that thing weighs more that I do!) 

So we acquired this thing actually almost 4 (or 5?) years ago now, back when Lizzie & I were still girls I guess you could say. :) And weren't we thrilled with what Mom brought home!   You better believe it. :) 
Many happy hours were spent painting, carpeting, rearranging furniture, hanging 'pictures', and playing in our dollhouse. (Ah, good memories!)

So.....several years later, and much time, dust, and cobwebs brushed off....The Dollhouse makes an entrance into my life once again. This time, he's going to stay in my very own room (as opposed to the storeroom) and he's going to keep me company on rainy days & give my plenty of opportunity for industriousness on many an afternoon.

I mentioned in this post that I have a dollhouse and that I was starting to work on it, remember? And showed a photo of some of the 'renovations' taking place inside it (viz. stripping of wallpaper, etc.) Well, I've been busy!
Here, take a peek at what I've been up to lately...
under construction!
( I was trying to build a ladder for the painting to be done ''on''...but it'll have to wait. ;)

the room, almost cleared, ready for painting!

here is my paint set up!

Yes, I made that roller. :) Isn't it dandy?

.....paint paint paint.....

The paint is called "Buff"...

can't forget the drop cloth! and open the windows please!

roll roll roll

The roller worked just fine, even if it is slow going...
Now the question is: do I paint the whole room this way, or go the easy route and use a bigger roller & brush?  Hmmm hmmm..... decisions. ;)


  1. HANNAH,
    One of the CUTESTS posts I've ever seen. I love it! :) It makes me S.A.L. (smile a lot.)

    I was JUST thinking and talking about dollhouses this week. My grandmother made two and gave them to us when we were younger...we had many fun times playing with them and mostly decorating them. Now one is set up in Birdie's room and the other is stored away in a closet...I was wondering if I'd like to display it in my room when I redecorate this Autumn (after my roommate is wed and away) and then, when talking to my friend M. at her graduation party, she was telling me about seeing Queen Mary's actual dollhouse in England and how awesome it was and how much she loves doll houses and tiny things and-ah! The love for dolls whooshed over me again and I think I'm going to go for it.

    Keep us updated on your tiny progress! :)

    Love, E.

  2. That's almost the same way we found our dollhouse! We haven't done much with it yet but when we do, I will try to post pictures!

    The renovations are looking good! I especially like the miniature roller :-) It'll make the paint on the walls look just that much more realistic!

  3. The miniature roller is amazing. It's going to look like tiny people really did the paint job! In tiny little white caps and jumpsuits. :) So, so cute!

    How does a dollhouse get to be a 'he'?

  4. Oh Hannah, how do you always do the most inspiring things? I wanna be just like you when I grow up ; ) Your ideas are so much fun - and that little paint roller is adorable!

    Now to find an old doll house.....

  5. Soooo cool! Please post more pictures of the progress of remodeling your doll house! :)

    Great quote btw!


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.