Monday, October 4, 2010

One Day in the Life of {Little Me}

[Archived. Written Friday, October 1st, 2010]

My family is gone from home (off on a college-weekend event) for four whole days! I spent the first part of this day, inside, trying to recuperate from this nasty head cold I've got.
I was reading, writing, yes, chatting & Facebooking. But you know, after "puttering about" (as my Uncle Erik calls it) cleaning, cooking, dish washing and laundering... I'd had enough.
The inside just wasn't big enough, and it felt constricting.I felt awful. (Being sick, as we all know, is no fun and feels like the 'end of the world' every time.)
So, I went out side. I discovered more stinkbugs on the screen door...

  I found that my garden needed tending...

Most people consider moss a nuisance
and try to rid their brick houses, walks and patios of it, but I like it!
So the moss stays on my garden walks. :)

It's funny why we weed. I can understand if something has thorns, or causes
a rash, or is crazy vigorous, but really? Pulling out every single 'foreign' looking plant
to make room for a sparsely planted, -ultra tidy garden. I don't know... I think I'd just rather the
garden be a little more wild. :)

Wild Strawberry & Yarrow Leaves.
Once the flowers are all gone, I can focus on photographing
& sketching the foliage of plants.
 ...and found that the animals, rabbits & chickens, needed watering and food and a few eggs collecting. The rabbits were eager for some clover. :)
Secret: {This is my favorite wildflower to photograph.}

Peter, left & Jeremy, right.
Quite the rabbit characters, they are! ;)
I did that all and then just stood, in the sun--soaking up the warmth of it.Then, better yet, I grabbed the new feathers I found (from the chicken yard)

...and saw a nice grassy place on our hill, where the grass had flowered and shot up stalks a few feet. They were swaying in the wind, just calling my name.

So I sat in the midst of the grass and flowers (there was some Chicory and Aster there too) and just basked in the sunlight. What therapy! And no medicine involved. :) It felt great. I even got visited by three squirrels who though I was like a statue obviously, I'd been sitting there long enough. They were busily gathered and burying nuts. (It was kind of funny to watch; it almost looked like they were opening little root cellar doors, to stick the nut in, and then when done that, they looked as if they were making tiny beds, of grass, when they were smoothing the spot over! So cute.)

I found a bunch of ruby-red, ripe tomatoes in the garden too. Washed & dried those.
Grabbed the blankets and clothes off the line that got doused in the earlier rains and then dried---all in one day!

 I found a tiny rosebud from my pink rosebush to bring inside & look at...

Floribunda, ever-blooming Pink Rosa blossom.
The sun was absolutely glorious today! I was loathe to finally shut the shades before that particular hour when the outside light and the inside light match in brightness...
Our front door nob.
So much more handsome looking that the other, plain nob we used to have.
 But, once done, it was to a-fixing dinner for myself (rather lonely ritual, by myself!) Tea, soup, crackers a pear & chocolate. Very nutritious! ;)
This cup is from our 'musical cup' set. They look homely but when you
*tink* your spoons against them, they sing! A very musical ring they have to them. :)
 Oh, and POPCORN. My favorite! For the movie, Bright Star.
'Hand popped' popcorn, with our oldie popcorn blower thingy. :)
Just add a little olive oil & sea salt, and voila!

So that was my day, in words & pictures.
Hope you enjoyed a little diversion and learning a little bit more about me. ;)

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  1. Yummy looking tomatoes! We didn't get many this year - disease and bugs got to them first :-(

    Having a day alone is kind of fun at first but then it gets kind of wierd! No noise at all :O I can't imagine four days of that! But obviously you survived :wink:

  2. aw, sounds like a lovely day!! Enjoyed the pictures. :)

  3. Have you kicked the head cold yet?

    Beautiful moss! One of our Master Gardeners is a moss fanatic and has created a gorgeous moss garden in the demonstration gardens. The texture is to die for!

  4. Great post Hannah! Sounds like you had a lovely day to me, it had all the right ingredients for a good time: sunshine, cool weather, bunnies, tea, soup, chocolate, gardening, quiet and Bright Star! (That's such a wonderful movie. Does it make you cry? It does me.)

    ~ Hattie

  5. Hey Mac!
    The tomatoes (the ones that have been spared by our free-range chickens, that is) have been yummy! If we were next door neighbors, I would have certainly brought some over to you all. ;) We've had a roadside 'stand' all summer, and we asked money at first but got nothing. Then, we changed the sign to "Free", but anyone could add something to the can if they like and we've made about $50 dollars this summer! :D Funny people.

    It was VERY strange being all alone for four days, but you're right; I lived to tell about it and I'm a little wiser too I think. Little did I know 1) how much Mom does! nor 2) what it'd really feel like to be on my own. :] I rather like my current situation better, for now at least.

    Emy~ Thanks, I did! ;) Glad you enjoyed, friend.

    Sara~ Oh, thanks for the conern dear. Unfortunately, I haven't really seen the last of it yet. It's one of those things. It'll go away, but it's gonna take it's own sweet time about it! ;)
    Oh and that moss garden sounds---oh so wonderful! That's been my dream, ever since I was 9 and discovered all the moss underneath our three huge Oak trees we called the "Three Trees"-- to have a beautiful, tranquil rolling green moss garden. I'm gonna do it one day! Just you see. :)

    Hattie~ That's right! It was one of the best of days, thanks to God. I'm way blessed in many ways, a safe and snug house & home just being one of them. :) Oh, yes; I DO cry at the end of that movie. No, I BAWL lol. It's so sweet, but very, very sad of course. :'( It's a good one though; very real.


Run your Fingers
along those Keys
and with your tapping tender
Wisdom's word or
A Good retort,
Kind intender.

Just remember,
the Lord watches and Hears.